”I see everyone as myself and that is why I get hurt often.” – Caroline Laurent

Dear Ms. Caroline Laurent,
Absolutely. I agree with you. You have written that you feel hurt when those people cheat whom you trust. You have written : ”I see everyone as myself and that is why I get hurt often.” Briefly, I would like to express my life long personal experience has taught me that one should not look at others like oneself. If we do not swindle, and dodge others, it does not mean they are not swindlers or dodgers. See people as they are. According to modern psychology, every person is different from other person; so do not look at people with your own outlook. We have to see everyone according to his nature. One only gets cheated , when one depends on others. Trust worthy people are very rare and are mostly cheated by their friends and near and dear ones. As we blindly trust them, they deceive us. Yesterday, a person told me that he trusted his employee, but he proved to be dishonest and cheated him. He embezzled. When we blindly trust people, we cut off our own hands. I don’t mean that every person is a cheat , disloyal or dishonest.There are still such great and honest people who can lay their life but remain loyal to the person who trusts them. Exceptions are always there. But it is my opinion that we should not depend on exceptions and see life with open eyes.
You have also pleaded that a poet must be a humanist. In Greek, the meaning of poet is a “Seer”. If a poet turns blind eye to the violation of human rights, he is not a Seer, he is blind. In Arabic the meaning of poet is the man of consciousness and wisdom. If a poet a conscious less about humanitarianism issues, then he is conscienceless and consciousness also. It is my proud privilege that I am known as “ Poet of Humanity.” Some Literary scholars and researchers have done M. Phil and doctorate on me and in their theses they have highlighted my commitment to humanity as a poet and philosopher. My book titled “ Songs of Humanity” was published in 2009, by Author House, Indiana, USA. The title of the book is a suffice proof of my message to protect human rights and promote humanism. I am a Humanist and do you are. This relationship binds our souls and is a clarion call for all humans to be loyal, honest, humane, just, kind, compassionate and sincere. This is what as a poet you desire and aspire. I endorse your views and stand by you.
Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Islamabad/ New York
December 6, 2023





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